Unexpected events such as hard drive failures or cyber attacks can endanger your valuable data. By regularly creating backups, you protect yourself from losing this information, so you are not left behind like a clueless sheep. Our website offers compre­hensive insights and practical tips on how to keep your data secure through effective backup strategies. Take the first step towards data security.


It happens faster than you think: the hard drive goes on strike, the computer no longer starts or cyber criminals have hijacked the system. Then your important data is at risk. Backups minimize the risks of such data loss. If you regularly create a backup, you do not have to worry.

What is a backup?

A backup is a backup copy of data. It doesn't matter which devices are backed up. Backups can be created just as easily from smartphones or tablets as from PCs and servers. The important thing is to store the data on an external device. Depending on the volume of data, external hard drives, USB sticks or cloud solutions can be used.

Reasons for backups

Even though the case sounds unlikely, it happens more often than you might think: data is lost, destroyed or confiscated by hackers.

Technical failure icon
Technical failure The hardware installed in PCs, servers or mobile devices is not infallible. Components (such as hard disks or other memory) can break over time and thus also destroy the data stored on them.
Accidents Unfortu­nately, major accidents can also occur in which data centers or offices burn or are flooded. In such situations, it is important (in addition to personal protection) to have data additionally backed up in another location.
Accidents icon
Software problems icon
Software problems If you make changes to system-relevant software (e.g. the operating system), in the worst case you can affect the entire system in its functioning.
Loss & theft Laptops or smartphones are often left behind in trains or cafés. Pick­pocketing is also a danger. Without a backup, not only are the expensive devices lost, but also all the data on them.
Loss & theft icon
Ransomware icon
Ransomware Cyber criminals use special malware to hijack your data and then extort a ransom from you. However, if you have an up-to-date backup, the attack loses its danger.

What goes into a backup?

When you create a backup, you usually duplicate the complete system. This ensures that you can quickly get back to work after a complete failure. However, depending on your needs, you can also make a copy for only certain data (such as photos or documents) or back up specific areas of your system (for example, a  databases).

How do I secure my data?

Good backups are charac­terized by several factors:

Currentness Backups are only useful if the backup was not too long ago.
Security A backup must be stored securely, otherwise the protection of the data cannot be guaranteed.
Versioning If you keep not only the current status, but also older versions, you can track changes and undo them if necessary.

3-2-1 rule

The 3-2-1 rule is considered the golden formula for good backups.

  • Create three copies - to minimize the probability of failure.
  • Use two different media - so problems with one technology don't create a complete failure.
  • Store one copy at another location, - so as to also be prepared against natural disasters.

If you follow this rule, your data will be well secured.

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Let automatic backups be created

When creating backups, you should rely on the support of software, because manually creating backups is time-consuming and insecure. Tools that specialize in backups are reliable and can be adjusted to your exact needs. You specify what is to be backed up, where the backup is to be stored and how often the backup is to be performed. In addition, the software solutions also support you in restoring data, should an emergency ever occur.

If you operate a larger infra­structure or your own data center, it may also be worth working with experts. IT-Kompass, for example, offers  Backup Management. With this service, you no longer have to worry about regularly creating backups. Your data is well secured.