The hybrid cloud is becoming an increasingly popular solution that combines the benefits of private and public cloud infra­structures. This model offers businesses unparalleled flexibility and scalability to efficiently manage their IT needs. Learn more about the diverse possibi­lities and advantages of the hybrid cloud on our information page.

Hybrid Cloud

Cloud solutions are becoming increasingly popular in both private and business contexts. One model that promises particularly great flexibility is the hybrid cloud.

What is a hybrid cloud?

A hybrid cloud is by definition not a cloud of its own, but a model in which private cloud and public cloud are combinedinto one system. This means that data from both clouds can be used without having to first transfer it from one to the other at great expense. However, if private cloud and public cloud are only used in parallel and not connected to each other, this is not a hybrid cloud. The two cloud types are connected via management software or an application programming interface (API). To manage the capacities,  cloud managementis used.

Private clouds and public clouds each have their own advantages. With a hybrid cloud solution, these can be combined.

Two hovering clouds with the labels Public Cloud and Private Cloud on them, which are connected by a Hybrid Cloud.
Diagram with icons of clouds in the sky and several labels on them describing cloud types and three birds flying by.

Private Cloud

Private Clouds are company-owned data centers, sometimes also referred to as on-premise storage. However, a private cloud does not necessarily have to be located on the company premises. One can also rent servers externally in a data center. However, these servers are only used by one company.

Public Cloud

In contrast to this is the public cloud. In this model, the servers always belong to an external service provider. Companies can rent server capacities there. Here, the data of several cloud customers is located on the same server in separate and secured areas. Only the company's own files can be accessed at any time.

Pros and cons of a hybrid cloud

Both models have advantages and disad­vantages. Private clouds offer a very high level of data security. Public clouds, on the other hand, are charac­terized by particular flexibility and are often less expensive, as the maintenance of the hardware is taken over by the service provider and only the storage space used has to be paid for.

With a hybrid cloud, both worlds can be combined and the advantages of public and private cloudcan be combined. This enables:

Scaling on demand Fluctuations can be flexibly balanced with a hybrid cloud by increasing the resources by the public cloud when required. If demand drops again, only the private cloud is used. This is cheaper for companies in the long run than purchasing, maintaining and servicing additional servers that companies only need at peak times.


Flexibility and security Data can be deliberately stored in different locations. Particularly sensitive data, which is subject to corre­spondingly strict data protection regulations, is stored on the company's own servers in the private cloud. Data that requires less protection or applications can be stored flexibly and as required in the public cloud. Distribution across two locations is also interesting for  backups.


Reduction of maintenance costs Internal IT does not have to maintain shares that are located in the public cloud, because public cloud providers usually take care of the maintenance and security of the system. Thus, costs for maintenance work can be reduced if a portion of the data is located in a public cloud.


The use of a hybrid cloud also brings with it some aspects that have a detrimental effect and must therefore be taken into account. When using a hybrid cloud, there should be a clearly defined structure that specifies which information may be stored in which part of the cloud. This is necessary to ensure the best possible data security. Working out and controlling this structure involves a certain amount of admini­strative effort.

To prevent data from being accidentally stored in the wrong cloud, all data storage can continue to run via the private cloud and only the computing power required for applications can run via the public cloud. The concrete use of a hybrid cloud is flexible. Each company ultimately adapts the use specifically to its own needs.