Companies are faced with the challenge of optimising their IT landscape and minimising costs at the same time. In addition, the digital world is constantly changing and requires regular adjustments. Virtuali­zation offers a solution here and creates flexible IT structures with efficient resource management.


Virtuali­zation, a term that is of utmost relevance in IT everywhere these days - and not just in large companies, but also in small and medium-sized enterprises. The background to this is noticeably lower acquisition costs for hardware as well as ease of use in connection with setting up, backing up, upgrading and resetting the virtually set-up machines.

What is virtuali­zation?

But what does virtuali­zation mean? Virtuali­zation is the abstraction of physical IT resources. This means that different software, hardware, network or even storage components are no longer fully represented physically, but in parts on a virtual level.

In this way, for example, it is possible to divide a single computer into several virtual systems by means of virtuali­zation.

How does virtuali­zation work?

In order to be able to carry out IT virtuali­zation, one uses a hypervisor. This is special software for the virtuali­zation of IT components or entire systems. In principle, this acts like a privacy shield and hides access by other users. This gives you the perception that you are the sole user of the hardware in question.

Another special feature is that the virtual systems can be equipped with a operating system and associated user programs in complete isolation from each other. They work absolutely indepen­dently side by side.

What does virtuali­zation bring?

The advantages of virtuali­zation lie in particular in the saving of various resources. On the one hand, you save on acquisition costs in the context of hardware and, in terms of sustaina­bility, energy costs that should not be under­estimated either. In addition, virtual machines can be easily restored in the event of an emergency.

Furthermore, there is flexibility: Virtual instances can usually be easily equipped with additional resources. This makes it possible to respond quickly to performance peaks or higher demand.

Main categories of virtuali­zation

Virtuali­zation can be divided into five main categories:

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Software virtuali­zation By means of software virtuali­zation, both applications are separated from the operating system.

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Server virtuali­zation Server virtuali­zation enables a single physical server to run multiple operating systems in the form of virtual machines.

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Storage virtuali­zation Storage virtuali­zation combines multiple network storage resources together. This creates a single storage medium that can be used by different users.

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Desktop Virtuali­zation Through a central server, virtual desktops are delivered and managed accordingly.

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Network virtuali­zation Network virtuali­zation distributes network bandwidth across multiple channels. These in turn are allocated to different devices and servers.


Virtuali­zation is definitely the future - it has long been ubiquitous in large companies. Small and medium-sized companies should also join in here, even if it initially involves some effort in connection with the setup. In perspective, however, the step will be worthwhile, as virtuali­zation is accompanied by immense cost savings and expensive downtimes can be signi­ficantly reduced. Furthermore, virtuali­zation can provide you with an additional safety net.